Hey JayeScribers!!!! I know that we are one day away from a new year but I have been struggling with one thing for the last few days and it fostered this question: How do you hate on someone you've never met or have never spoken to directly??
With all the hatred in the world, when did folks decide it was better to be catty and messy (disguised as those who say "they're just being honest" or "I'm just telling it like it is") rather than being cordial and communicating with people BEFORE judging them?? Honesty is best when coupled with tact and compassion, just fyi.
It baffles me that in a community where the government tries their hardest to keep the black and brown, middle and lower class in a laser lined box and where the people IN said community struggle with self hate, fear and ridicule that those SAME people in the SAME community do to each other what everyone else does to the group as a whole. So I ask you: why is the catty-ness so strong in the black/brown community? When did it become more acceptable to tear our OWN down, rather then help lift them up?
As we transition into this new year take some inventory of your life. MILLIONS and BILLIONS of people didn't make it to see this day. Someone reading this right now has probably lost at least one person this year but we're here. We're living and pressing on, so lets not go into 2011 with the same crazy hatred that led up to 2010. I'm not so naive to think that I alone can change centuries of screwed up thought patterns, hatred, cruelty and so forth. It IS my goal however to foster dialogues and critical thinking about the world we live in and how we can work together to make it a much better place to live one person at a time.

And remember no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care!!!!!!!!!!
~Till next blog I'm Danyol Jaye with The Jaye Spot~