As a blogger and online radio host I get a lot of people that want me to support their projects or simply pull them in to do an interview and my questions are always the same:
1) What do you have going on currently?
2) What do you have coming up?
3) What's your following like?
However, for whatever reason, people don't understand how the game of BRANDING works!! Building a brand is much like building a car. It takes a while to get the idea together, gather all the necessary parts, piece it together, make sure it works and then actually get people to trust themselves inside it. When you're building a brand or any type of business it's going to take people a while to trust it. Point! Blank! Period!
So if you don't have a huge following, chances are bloggers aren't going to notice you or have much to say. Bloggers, such as myself, aren't blogging about things that aren't reputable. If we're supporting an idea, project, artist or whatever, we're doing it because we can see the following they have. One thing about being reputable in today's world is where I can find you online. Are you Google-able?
71% of bloggers are blogging about brands that are REPUTABLE!!! That means we can find you easily in a Google search, we can look at your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and see that you actually have people supporting what it is that you're doing. It's not going to help your brand if I type it in a search engine and nothing pops up. If you're just starting, that's understandable; however, do the work it takes to get your brand to the next level before seeking the network and promo of professional bloggers.
Here's my advice if you're trying to gain some Internet traction through the world of blogging:
1) Make sure that your Brand is YOUR Brand!! Nothing worse that seeing an idea that someone else has already had, branded and pushing.
2) Work your connections! Get your friends to like you, family members, co-workers, etc. The more people you have following your social media the more reputable you seem.
3) GET ON GOOGLE!!! Whatever you need to do to make sure that your brand pops up in a Google search is paramount to having bloggers want to talk about your brand.
I know sometimes it seems like a lot but hey, no one said building a brand was easy!!!
For more info on building a reputable brand click these links:
Alison Doyle
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