April has brought the showers, the earthquakes and definately has brought the epiphanies lol. What's up JayeScribers!!!!! I know that it's been MORE than a minute, but I'm here and I'm breathing, walking and talking like a brand new ME!!!
Topic for the day: Does Loving Someone Automatically Mean Loving Their Mess?
We are so quick to look at someone in an abusive relationship and say how dumb the person is, but have you ever stopped to realize that they might actually love their partner? That they are in love so much that they feel the need or obligation to also deal with and settle for the mess?
Well I have!!! And this is what I have to say about it: Loving someone means that you are truthful about what IS and ISN'T healthy. It is very possible to love someone and not agree with their actions. It is also very possible to love someone and say "you know I really love you, but I can't deal with your mess".
If I could find the person who coined the phrase that "real love hurts" I'd strangle them and leave them to be eaten by a thousand dessert scorpians. LOVE DOES NOT HURT!!!! PEOPLE HURT!!!!! Love is all the warm and fuzzy feelings you think it is, it's the thing that causes you to be patient when someone starts to piss you off. It is that honesty that should transcend all lies. It is that and so much more but the one thing I DO know is that love is NOT hurt!!!!
If you are in a relationship and you are questioning whether or not to stay, here's my advice: get a piece of paper and write down ALL the things that the relationship does for you in a healthy manner and then write down ALL the things that destroy you in that relationship. Whichever one is longer let your decision come from that.
I love you guys for your support, there will be more blogging to come as I prepare for my summer tour with Phi'LA The Musical. I will also keep you updated on my new album that I'm working on....
~Till next blog I'm Danyol Jaye with The Jaye Spot~
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