Thursday, October 10, 2013

Job Hunting In A Depression

So many Americans are (and have been) unemployed.  We hear these words being thrown around like "recession" and for the most part none of us really understand the political parts to this whole we call the USA. What's the difference between a recession and a depression? If you ask me there are a lot of middle and lower class households that are pretty depressed every time they look at their bank accounts or see the mountain of bills that continue to pile up on their tables.

I know how many people love our president; I'm one of them, however, despite the fact that there have been quoted "thousands of jobs created", why are so many people without work? It baffles my mind that people with degrees are still struggling to find work. Moreover it seems that in a world filled with technological advances, those who are a bit more analog than they are digital are being laid out to die in the upheaval of limited employment opportunities.

Let's face it, if you're 30 and up with no degree and no experience in a technological field you're pretty much a fossilized worker. It is often said that technical trades are an insured way to stay employed as many of our plumbing, electrician, and masonry workers are all of a preceding generation and in desperate need of recruitment.  So I guess you can go to a trade school, learn how to lay some pipe, and venture off looking for plumbing work and be fulfilled unclogging someones drainage.

But what if you're in a position (like most) where a technical trade is just not something you can or want to do for the rest of your life? You have drive and passion and are looking for a truly satisfying career path. Most would say "go back to school!!" Then you realize that in order to go to school, even a community college, you need a small fortune or be willing to go into a small fortunes worth of debt! Other's say "get what you can to pay the bills!" But do you really want to spend the rest of your life JUST working to pay bills?!

I hope you didn't think that this blog was going to have the answer because BAAAAAAABY it doesn't!  This problem is more than me or the Jaye Spot can even FAKE to solve. However I can say that in my experience things work out the way they are meant to; sometimes with a little extra push guessed it...OURSELVES! I know first hand that drive and passion don't pay the rent, if it did I'd have SEVERAL houses!!! Yet you have to be willing to stay true to yourself and not get caught in a job that simply allows you to work to live. Sure we have responsibilities but who said that we had to settle for less than what we're worth or capable of?

As hard as the job hunt is out there today, this may be the time where going back to school IS the answer or to start a business that you've always wanted to start. We know that EVERYTHING has some type of cost attached to it but if that's the case then  God/the universe/whatever has to supply the provision for what you're meant to do, right? Hey they could be simply waiting for your to get off your ass and actually do SOMETHING!!!! In all my days I've never seen a parked car go ANYWHERE!!! Even if in the wrong direction it's able to make a few turns to get back on track but first and foremost the engine has to at least be on.

We may be in a recession (or depression) but I do believe that with all of the advances that many of us don't understand we have all we need to make things happen for us. We're in a time where it's very much a "do it yourself" kind of world.  So why not go out there and throw irons in every fire to see which one truly lights up?!

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