Monday, October 4, 2010

Cycles & The People In Them

Hello Jayscribers,

So as most of you know I tend to talk about some pretty deep subjects in hopes that it evokes a critical thought.  Today is no different lol.  I want to talk about cycles and the people that keep them going and going and going.....(you get the picture)

Why is it that people we know have a tendency to go around and around in a circle and can never see it?  The more amazing questions is how can we see THEIR cycle and not see our own?

It has occured to me that the mirror theory is VERY relevant in todays society.  The theory is that we all walk around carrying a mirror face out...hiding behind the glass staring at a darkened side and only able to reflect on others issues rather than our own. 

But why the cycles?  Why do you think people go through them? 

I would love to hear YOUR stories of people in your life that you feel are going in a cycle and why you think they're stuck in them...Friends, lovers, etc...I wanna hear from you...

~Till next blog I'm Danyol Jaye with The Jaye Spot~

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